How can you get so many ARTISTS?

Lucas asked: "How can you get so many ARTISTS?"

I originally started to reply like this:
  • You just have to listen new music constantly, e.g. spotify has a discover section which gets updated weekly + when the album finishes plays similar artists.
  • It's so nice... that I must admit I mostly play there... only recently started again here on lastFm to play my "mix radio"...

Then I wanted to prove it with numbers also, and saw this:

It shows that I've been getting in recent years less new artists.
  • but it doesn't tell how many of the "old" artists I also still listen (a future todo: make such a stat also in combination with this).

Thus my answer now would be:
  • back in the good old days of lastFM I listened to more diverse music.

I wonder what made the difference?
  • since with spotify I also have access to a large "library"

Perhaps the lastFM tags were quite good? or I played more people's libraries, ...
Who knows for sure after so much time has passed

Below is for statisticians ;-)

When I compare lastFM's data with stats from my wiki, the number differs:
  • this may be because back in the good old lastFM days I added artists I liked to my library so the lastFM algorithm would consider them also when playing.
  • Anyways, the lower number from lastFM now is likely showing only the really scrobbled artists.
